
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

First doll ever...

Making doll has always been one of my bigest dream. Marionettes are particularly fascinating for me and I always thought that Gepetto had the best job of the world. Here is my first doll ever! I did not give her a name as the little girl who will receive it will choose herself her name. This little girl has had her birthday few days ago (3 years old) and I thought a simple cloth doll could be a nice start. I will probably sew a more sophisticated doll for her 5th or 6th birthday. For this one, that is 17" tall, I have been inspired by several dolls from Internet. I picked the shape of the leg here, the shape of the face there, etc. I am quite happy with the result as it is the first one, except for the stitches on the chin. I place a dart on the neck as i did not want the face to be too flat, but the dart was too high and I do not like how it "spoils" the face.

 I have included a print fabric in the body to make her underwear, as well as stripe fabric for the socks and black fabric for the shoes. I think I will let the feet nude for the next one, to allow her to be dressed with different sewn shoes. Next time, I will also use thick wool yarn for the hair. I particularly love the hair style of the dolls made by Jill Hamor. She is the author of one of the greatest book (if not the greatest!) about doll making. I have ordered her wonderful book "storybook toys" and received it just after I finished my first doll. I will definitely follow one of her pattern for my next project: a doll for ME! I will make a detail post of it so you can figure out what can be done with this book. 

I have also found several great projects in this book that I want to sew for my boys (a bunny, an cute horse, an elephant...and more). I think I will learn a lot making those toys. I'll share with you :-)
Oh, yes, I will also work on my patterns... I do not forget all the designs that some of you have asked. I just needed a doll break :-) And it was so magic!!! Just like in my dream!


  1. Awesome job!! Very nice. So sweet. :D

  2. Wonderful. Every year when we were little my mother would make us a new doll for Christmas and they were always our favorites. We liked playing with and braiding the dolls yarn hair. These remind me a bit if those :)
