
Monday, 14 May 2012

Sun Star and Cross Star

I wanted to create some abstract blocks that could produce diferent effects depending on the fabric used. I love stars so I worked with stars in my mind.

For the Cross Star, I wanted a quick and easy block that would create a lot of diferent pattern depending of the layout. I only show some of them here, you can see more on my shop. I could have named this block Pinwheel Star instead of Cross Star, as it porduce a pinwheel layout too. I like its versatility.

This "Sun Star" is designed to make various stars using scraps fabric.
Bright colors on black background produce a stunning effect, while soft colors with different colors of stars produce a more romantic or modern style. Note that the sides of the block can be "erased" using the same color as the background (like in the black block) or they can build 4 point stars between the main design like in the picture below.

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